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Greenland Expedition

Greenland Expedition

A mind-blowing story from our talented team photographer Soren

Name: Soren Rickards
Background: Sports photographer
Interests: Snowboard, Adventure, Travel and Photography
Currently: Greenland Expedition
All images © Soren Rickards. Rowan Bashford.

This is an inside story of when our team photographer recently did the trip of his lifetime- an expedition to no man’s land in Greenland to hike the beautiful mountains, snowboard untouched powder and just be one with the nature with good friends.

This is Soren Rickards passionated story, told by Soren himself:

I was contacted by my friend Rowan from New Zealand who is working as a glacier guide in Iceland.

I met him in the French alps 5 years ago, I’ve never met someone so passionate about snowboarding, he was living in the back of his van and riding everyday and drinking every night..

We spent a lot of time shooting together, he really boosted my progression as a photographer and snowboarder when I was getting started.

We kept in contact and every winter we would fantasise about a big Campervan/snowboard trip but I could never find the time or money to do so.

Finally this year our dream came true ! One of his guiding colleagues in Iceland bought a house in Kulusuk, Greenland for €800 and said we could go check in out before he starts using it for summer guiding trips.

This was an opportunity not to miss, a Greenland snowboard trip is not your average one..

It’s a wild place and hard to access.

As a photographer this is a story I’ve been wanting to tell…

…A story of genuine passion for adventure snowboarding, a bunch of poor non professional snowboarders getting after the true meaning of unplanned adventure.

We made this trip up as we went along, the little organisation made the whole adventure a day to day mystery with beautiful surprises along the way.

We had a fishing cabin as base camp in Kulusuk and we headed out north for 3 weeks with polkas full of food, a tent and enough beers to deal with the probable bad weather..

We had a big mix of conditions from bullet hard ice, chalky spring snow and perfect powder!

Soren just got back from his trip and we are really happy he took the time to share this amazing story with us and we can’t wait to follow him on his upcoming epic adventures Link. More info to check out the bag used on the expedition Link



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