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A raft made of plastic waste sailed 4 days to help save our oceans

Name: Trash-Tiki
What: Raft made of disposable plastic, ghost net and driftwood
Purpose: Deliver a message to the politicians to put a global focus on our ocean and marine resources
Where: Trosa, Sweden to the island Visby, Gotland east of Sweden.
Distance: 90 Nautical miles
Time: 4 Days (Start evening 29th of June. Finish Tuesday 11 am, 3rd of July)
Speed: 0,5 knots
Crew: Adventurers Sören Kjellqvist, Glenn Mattsing and Joakim Odelberg.
All images © Trash-Tiki. Sören Kjellqvist. Glenn Mattsing. Joakim Odelberg. Petter Stordalen.

This is the raft Trash-Tiki made of plastic waste, ghost net and driftwood found in the Baltic Sea.

Trash-Tiki left the shores in the evening of Sweden on Friday 29th of June to sail 90 nm in rough conditions with winds of up to 20 knots (10m/s).

On board there were the experienced adventurers Sören Kjellqvist, Glenn Mattsing and Joakim Odelberg.

With a speed of only 0,5 knots they made great progress, taking shifts sailing the raft with the wind for 4 days, heading in southerly direction to the largest island off the coast of Sweden, Gotland where a big political meeting is currently taking place.

The Norwegian investor, hotel magnate and environmentalist Petter Stordalen joined the guys on the raft off the coast of Visby to guide Trash-Tiki in to port.

Trash-Tiki comes with a strong message to the politicians to put a global focus on our ocean and marine resources.

We are proud to support this great initiative and we hope the politicians will do their job to help raise awareness to reduce the use of disposable plastic…

…so we can together save our oceans for future generations.

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